DCN Monthly Update


DCN has a new website!

Follow the link below to Basel DCN's new site. This blog page is no longer kept uptodate

Thank you
BLANK on purpose

Quote of the month

Pure love is a willingness to give without a thought of receiving anything in return."

By Peace Pilgrim

Welcome to the Divine Connection Network.

Do you struggle to find people in Basel that you can share your inner beliefs with? Do you want to meet and connect with people at a deeper level? Do you want to share experiences of inner growth? Do you feel isolated and alone? Are you aware of the awakening Consciousness? Do you want to be a true creator in your life?

If this sounds like you, become part of this metaphysical community. The intention is to bring like-minded spiritual people together. It doesn’t matter what you do; energetic work, massage, coaching, kinesiology, etc, a working professional or a stay at home parent. This community is intended to support us all.

We meet monthly and each meeting is different. So you may get to experience: a philosophical discussion; a spiritual movie, meditation, processes or techniques to help you on your journey, mini-workshops, book reviews…and so much more. And of course you will get a chance to mingle and share with other like-minded souls and maybe connect with some new friends.

This group is wonderfully supported by Centrepoint, Basel and is run as one of their many fantastic programs that they have for the English-speaking community. For more information about Centrepoint please do check out their website. http://www.centrepoint.ch/

This blog has been set up as another tool on which we can all connect, as we often have busy lives and can't make the meetings. I update it monthly and that we can at least stay in touch between meetings, please feel free to start a post or comment on other posts.


Monthly meetings are generally the 3rd Monday of the month, but do check just in case...

Next Meeting:
Date: Monday 20th February

Time: 7.30 - 9.30

Place: Centrepoint Library, Im Lohnhof 8, Kohlenberg, Basel
Meeting Cost: 10CHF CP Members, 15CHF non-members

Topic: What is Reiki? with Karl Neilson

Karl is going to talk will be about how he found out that he was a healer, his journey, and using Reiki to heal. He will give a full explanation about the history of reiki, and how it has come into use over the last 50 years. There will be a question and answer session, and a chance to experience the effects of reiki.

Karl came from England as a professional and found himself in Switzerland healing people and taking photographs.

Up and coming meetings for your Diary...

March - Reconnective Healing with Lucas Tobler

An interactive presentation with Lukas ToblerReconnective Healing is about healing, evolving and becoming more of who you are...Reconnective Healing is termed by scientists a new level of healing that didn’t exist here before and goes far beyong healing to reconnecting us with our true essence.The interaction with these palpable healing frequencies may not only lead to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healings, but more clarity and the acceleration of your personal evolution. Encountering this new level of healing and evolution is a very touching and personal experience.During the presentation, you will learn more about the nature of Reconnective Healing, have your burning questions answered and most importantly experience these amazing healing frequencies for yourself.Reconnective Healing is new, different and real.Are you ready to heal and to become more? Then you are cordially invited to this life-changing presentation!

Lukas Tobler is a trained physical therapist and Reconnective Healing Practitioner. He offers Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection sessions in Ueken (near Frick) and frequently assists Dr. Eric Pearl at his seminars around the world.

More info at http://www.lukastobler.com/

April - Transformational Breathwork with Dianne

May - Feng Shui with Diana and Claudia from 8Signs

Diana Eichenberger and Claudia Hintermann are looking forward to providing you with an understanding of classical Feng Shui and traditional Chinese Astrology. They will cover how we can influence our surroundings and achieve a more energetic, healthy and successful living environment and what we can do to benefit both our personal and working lives.

Having both been interested in Chinese metaphysics and in particular classical Feng Shui and traditional Chinese astrology, Diana and Claudia met each other on their first Feng Shui course. Since this time they have acquired a knowledge and expertise in the use of eastern and western traditions and techniques which will help you to optimise your living and working environment. Sharing the same interest and spirit they founded their own company 8signs in 2009.

For further information contact Dawn on ...


...or just turn up at the next meeting!

'Be the Change' by Balz Ewald

Be the Change

Balz Ewald one of DCN's members has just released his latest album in January - 'Be the Change'. This album is wonderfully uplifting and inspiring. I have listened to the album having had it for nearly 2 weeks over and over again.

Check out all the info on his latest album by following this link, including how to get your own copy.

To listen to some of the album follow this link

Enjoy :-)

Local Fairs & Expos


Zurich once again has its mind body spirit festival at the Zurich Kongresshaus on 1st-4th March.

Check out the line up, I have been twice in the last few years and have really enjoyed the day out, finding that most of the people at the festival speak wonderful english.

Click here to check out the list of exhibitors and workshops.


Become more involved in this community...

Do you have a natural gift or skill you would like to share with the DCN community?

Or do you know of any workshops that our group might like to know about?

Do you want to help to run this community group?

The DCN is always looking for speakers for our monthly events. If you think you can help or know someone who might be a great speaker or is holding workshops then let me know. It is always good to advertise and let our community know what is happening, especially when it is in English.

I have found that within our own community there a lots of people who know great things and it would be great if you would choose to share it with us. The last time I asked the community for help I had a great response, so it really made me realise what great people you all are with fantastic information that we would love to hear.

If you would like to help keep this community group going then we are also looking for help on the committee, to do Administration, develop the future of the group and other small jobs. If you would like to help in anyway then please contact Dawn

Contact Dawn on +41 79 831 3684 or geniusworks@pacific.net.au Thanks

Retreats & Workshops

Villa Unspunnen

The place
Nestled amid a wonderful landscape, at the edge of the old heart of the village of Wilderswil, you will find this art nouveau villa and seminar centre. It is situated in parkland surrounded by mighty trees – a place of tranquillity, a place of connecting – a place to inspire.

The House
The Villa has been a member of Gôut-Mieux since September 2009, and offers excellent, creative, organic vegetarian cuisine.The house offers reasonably-priced accommodation for up to 45 people in simple, lovingly furnished rooms.

Our seminar rooms are suited to a range of purposes: for seminars, company training and conferences, workshops, closed meetings, yoga and tai chi courses, and concerts.

The Surroundings

Wilderswil, a place that has retained its original village character, is situated near to Interlaken, in the direction of Grindelwald and Lauterbrunnen, and is easy to reach by train and bus, as well as by car. This well-serviced village is an ideal starting

The Villa runs a number of workshops in English and even if you don't want to attend a workshop, just going there as a retreat to meditate and reflect is a another way to enjoy this exquisite Villa.


Tao & Dance

The Wonderful Carmen Pipola continues to run her Tao & Dance workshops in Arlesheim. If movement and dance is something you want to explore then contact Carmen for more information.

Carmen Pipola
Zert. Coach / Systemische Strukturarbeit
4144 Arlesheim
Telefon: 061 702 17 71 / ideal abends zwischen 18.00 – 19.00
Email: c.pipola@laloba.ch

Prayers and Meditation for World Peace

Saturday morning English speaking Meditation Class


Saturday mornings 10.15 - 11.45am


Bodhichitta Zentrum, Turnerstrasse 26, CH - 4058 Basel (a short walk from Wettsteinplatz tram station)
Class fee: CHF 15/class or CHF 50/ 5 classes

Classes are open to anybody on a drop-in basis. They can be attended individually or as a series. They include 2 guided meditations, simple buddhist prayers for meditation, a teaching explaining the meditation and time for questions and discussion. The teaching, meditation and prayers are in English. No previous knowledge or experience required. For more information please contact Kelsang Khandro Contact: khandro.kelsang@googlemail.com


Basler PSI Verein Intro

Recently I discovered an organisation right here in Basel that sponsors various well-known international speakers like Dan Millman author of 'The Peaceful Warrior' and Neale Donald Walsch author of the books 'Conversations with God'

Scroll down further to see more speakers and the calendar or go straight to their website.


Living Now and Nova Magazines

Click below on the picture to take you through to either of these gret Australian mags that are free on-line to read. They are packed with great articles on inspiration, love, healing, our planet, personal development etc etc etc.

Happy reading...

Living Now Magazine

Nova magazine

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Love and support

I mentioned in this months newsletter that one of my very close friends and a wonderfully supportive member of the DCN is stuck in hospital in the Italian part of Switzerland, with excruciating pain that the Doctors can find no cause for.  I have been ringing every few days, as has other family and friends to support her and show my love.   Her journey through this has been hard and frustrating, as there seems to be no 'physical' cause.  Well not that our medical world understands anyway.
It is often hard to watch loved ones go through something painful, whether emotional or physical.  It has been a wonderful lesson that i have experienced from time to time in my life that someone else's journey is just that... theirs.  Our job is to love and support in any way we can.  If we buy into sharing their pain in some way, get emotional or retreat then we can no longer be the support they truly need.
Over the last couple of weeks I have laughed with Lorraine and pulled her up with kindness and love when she views this all in a negative light.  And when she finally lands in Basel I can be there for her by helping her process through Journey work, and the like.
Lorraine I send you my love, support and warmest blessings.  Get well my girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dearest Lorraine - I hope this note will somehow find its way to you. Norm and I are in the US and we just received Dawn's DC newsletter and update. We were saddened to read about your tremendous challenge and pain. I hope you are in kind hands and that the physical pain is lessening. Since the doctors seem not to understand what is happening, I thought that maybe the Ita Wegman Clinic in Arlesheim could bring answers and would be a supportive, spiritual and caring place. They might be able to guide you with healing thoughts, music, therapy, etc.
In the meantime, dear Lorraine, please know that Norm's and my thoughts are with you and we're sending strength, angels, and prayers of healing your way. With love to you and Bernard. Marion and Norm

Archive Past Meetings

January 2012 - Soul Voice with Amira Pacentra

November 2011 - "Unplugging the Patriarchy" with Jamie Brown

October 2011 - "How to solve our daily problems with Meditation" with local Buddhist Nun Khandro Kelsang

September 2011 - "Cosmic Ordering" with Margaret Brace http://www.blogger.com/www.embrace-your-vitality.com..

August 2011 - "Unconditional Love" with Mahima

July 2011 - "Riding Fear" using Grinberg Body Method with Luana Balestra

June 2011 - Surrender with Amy Stapelton

May 2011 - Mario Mantese with Theresia Joehl

April 2011 - Compassion with Dawn

March 2011 - Writing with body consciousness with Kate Orson

February 2011 - Fatigue & Pranic healing with Sybille Mundwiler

January 2011 - Vision Boarding with Dawn

November 2010 - Energy Psychology Part II with Eva Zimmerman

October 2010 - Body Presence as portal to spiritual Awareness with Johannes Ehrhardt

September 2010 - Energy Psychology Part I with Eva Zimmerman
Link to presentation slides

August 2010 - Stress is in your hands, an experiental evening with Pranic Healer Sybille Mundwiler

July 2010 - An evening of Music with Thomas & Hans

June 2010 - A deep dive into Ano-attachment with Dawn

May 2010 - Ascension meditiation with The Ishaya Monks http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103399771046&s=0&e=001ppd1ZAwdp8hraLChHg6GLLzC2XlFkdHJVKvYfUgq4UhhLfMGXTF3oiKvbEmxiJsZbCNdcV8sXv8t7vk5QVi7J_uIYzBsrCBKoBDvrQDgwFZLlfTr3VZd0koyagZyeiyx-Caw-omfjGM=

April 2010 - Living with colour: with Pascaline Emms
Click here to download Pascalines presentation

March 2010 - Satsang: Spirtuality means to me... and my journey so far

February 2010 - Chakras with Nicole Montag
Click here for link to powerpoint slides

January 2010 - Combining Alternative and Conventional Medicine: A Bi-Cultural Marriage, Like Ours, with Marion and Norm Mazer
Click here for link to powerpoint slides

November 2009 - Forgiveness - what is it to you and how can you truly forgive
Click here for Avatar link on Forgiveness

October 2009 - Overcoming life challenges with Stewart Jensen

September 2009 - Intuition with Lara Heselton.

August 2009 - Family Constellations. Another fantastic evening with Carmen Pipola.

July 2009 - Creating Your Mission Statement -- for Work and for Life with Jeanee Theriault, an international speaker.

June 2009 - Values with Désirée Steinmann

May 2009 - Family Constellations with Carmen Pipola

April 2009 - Complaint free world - Learning to live from a place of no complaints, check out the link if you missed this evening.

March 2009 - Emotions - What are they and how do we control them instead of them controlling us?

February 2009 - Dreams - Understanding and appreciating dreams with Chris Kelly

January 2009 - Visioning - An evening of creating and manifesting 2009 using meditation, visualisation and making vision boards.

December 2008 - A Satsang evening - reflecting on your past year and looking forward into the future.

November 2008 - Shamanism ...an introduction to Shaminism with Bruno

October 2008 - Energy II - using Universal Energy for self and healing

September 2008 - Spiritual Awakening ...an experimental exploration of concepts, what does it feel like, is it attainable? with Stewart Jensen

August 2008 - Energy I - Universal Energy, what is it?

July 2008 - Spirituality: - What is it really and what does it mean to you?

June 2008 - Connection: - This was the first meeting and explored connection experiential for self and with others.

Arhive Past Cinema Nights

Many of the Films we watch are from the Spiritual Cinema Circle. Every month I receive a new DVD with many films and the best ones I save for a special viewing. We meet at my place, have a bite to eat and watch a movie. Just a great way to be with others. Other movies I have provided a link to the movie website.


March 2011 - The Shift with Dr Wayne Dwyer
August 2009 - 2012; Fact or fiction (a documentary)
February 2009 - You can Heal your Life (watch the movie online for $4.95)
October 2008 - What the Bleep
August 2008 - Conversations with God
July 2008 - The Secret